An overview of a list of effective and inexpensive pills to treat prostatitis

Various drugs against prostatitis

Start treating the inflammatory process of the prostate in time - this is the main rule that will help men get rid of the disease quickly and prevent complications and relapses. There are so many different drugs being made now that it is very easy to confuse them. All anti-prostatitis pills are considered the most effective means of preventing or getting rid of the disease, but after a more thorough examination, more than half are not very effective, eliminating the symptoms but not getting rid of the cause. Consider cheap and efficient options.

Types of Medical Assistants

Antibiotics, painkillers, Chinese or domestic pharmaceutical drugs, etc.? Which ones help the most? In order for men to choose the right medications, they must first see a doctor. The specialist analyzes the degree of sensitivity of the body to a particular agent, determines the type and stage of the disease, and also studies the individual characteristics of the body. Based on all of this information, your doctor will prescribe a course of treatment and tell you which pills your patient should take against prostatitis.

Medication to eliminate acute and chronic prostatitis in men includes the use of the following medications (all tablets are for treatment, not prevention! ):

  • Antibiotics.
  • Anticonvulsants.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Alpha blockers.
  • Devices to improve blood circulation.

Let's look at all anti-prostatitis tablets in a little more detail: their purpose, characteristics, etc.

Antibiotics for prostatitis


Antibiotics are needed for acute and chronic forms. The main functions of antibiotics are to destroy the pathogenic flora, reduce poisoning and inflammation, and as a result, accelerate healing. Prostatitis in men is impossible to treat without antibiotics as it is the most effective drug.

Each antibiotic pill is divided into the following groups:

  • Fluoroquinolones. Tablets for the treatment of chronic prostatitis.
  • Aminopenicillins. The appointment of aminopenicillins is common in mild, uncomplicated stages (with an acute process and rare exacerbations of chronic prostatitis in men).
  • Cephalosporins. Tablets with a wide range of uses (to treat any form), but the drugs have a short antibacterial effect.
  • Macrolides. Antibiotics are the least effective against prostatitis in men, but also have minimal toxic effects.
  • For tetracyclines. Well tolerated. Of all the antibiotics, the natural activity against atypical microorganisms (chlamydia and mycoplasma) is the highest.

It is impossible to talk about which of the listed bases is better than others because men show individual sensitivity to drugs.


To relieve inflammation, doctors recommend the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which can eliminate unpleasant signs of pathology and reduce edema in the prostate of men, thereby reducing pain. Painkillers are needed during therapy as they allow for the relief of unpleasant symptoms and progression to the next stage. If the patient is found to be insensitive to this group of drugs, strong hormonal drugs are prescribed to him.

Alpha blockers

This type of pill is prescribed as an adjuvant to treat prostatitis in men (that is, it is not intended to get rid of the problem, but to eliminate the symptoms and help other, more powerful treatments work). They are prescribed for men with moderate severity of the disease who have difficulty urinating.

The list of alpha blockers is not extensive. Each drug targets the spasm of the neck of the prostate and bladder, reduces urethral pressure and increases urine flow.

The experts' comments are clear: treatment with alpha-blockers is generally well tolerated. Minor side effects may occur due to individual intolerance to the components that make up the tablets.


Men with acute prostatitis are prescribed pills to relieve cramps. Their effectiveness is based on the fact that they relax the smooth muscles of the blood vessels, increase blood microcirculation, thereby reducing inflammation and acting as an analgesic.

As the patient's review shows, antispasmodics are very effective against seizures and can quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms and remove severe pain in the lumbar region.

Improve blood circulation

A common cause of pathology is stagnant formations. They do not allow the organs to recover and do not interfere with the normal effects of antibiotics. Therefore, it is impossible to treat prostatitis without taking medications that improve blood circulation in parallel with antibiotics.

What is more beneficial against acute and chronic prostatitis? Antibiotics, antispasmodics or painkillers? The list of drugs is extensive, with a number of measures indicating how prostatitis should be treated with pills - some are needed to prevent it, others are aimed at destroying viruses, and others are needed to increase blood flow, relieve seizures and stop inflammation. However, there are so many medications in each group that it cannot be done without the help of an expert. Moreover, each type of tablet has its own characteristics and contraindications.

See your doctor and follow their advice - they will prescribe the best and cheapest medicines for you and take care of your recovery. And let’s not forget about preventing the disease - it’s easier to prevent the disease than to get rid of it later!